sensuality & nourishment
My (Manuela) path has led me to many circles and many times they have inspired, uplifted or caught me. Now, like never before, I feel the urgency to come together as women and support each other, to embody the feminine in this world, to not have to be anything but who we are and thus let our highest potential flow through us. To exhale and let our shoulders drop.
I follow this call and look forward to the women and all the facets of the feminine that we can get to know together.
Welcome to
Welcome sister in our midst. We open the circle for you, for me, for each of us and invite you to celebrate the healing power of the women’s circle together. It is a space of acceptance, of listening, of just being. We have no goals or expectations, it is not about therapy, about “getting better” or “becoming different”. There is no right or wrong, no further or less further. We are guided by our hearts, our center and our longing. Everything that is is allowed to be. Now.
"It is time to trust your greatness and divine beauty!"
learning to love life

Women's circle
“The circle is an archetype, a living energy that takes shape through our collective dedication to truth and awakening. Together we create a field of transformation from which we all benefit. Feel your seat in this circle and know that the circle would not be the same without you.
You have a certain medicine that is needed in this circle. Our field is influenced by you showing up exactly as you are. Although this life is experienced intimately through the personal, it emerges from a much larger dance. Just as in a garden, we all grow out of the same soil and nourish the same fertile earth.
We all contribute to this sacred compost blossoming into a glorious field of unique colors and expressions. The Women’s Circle is a portal that calls us to enter into a deeper and more intimate, direct connection with who we are and what we are made of.”
Chameli Ardagh
Women's circle
“The circle is an archetype, a living energy that takes shape through our collective dedication to truth and awakening. Together we create a field of transformation from which we all benefit. Feel your seat in this circle and know that the circle would not be the same without you.
You have a certain medicine that is needed in this circle. Our field is influenced by you showing up exactly as you are. Although this life is experienced intimately through the personal, it emerges from a much larger dance. Just like in a garden, we all grow out of the same soil and nourish the same fertile earth.
We all contribute to this sacred compost blossoming into a glorious field of unique colors and expressions. The women’s circle is a portal that calls us to enter into a deeper and more intimate, direct connection with who we are and what we are made of.”
Chameli Ardagh
The portal of femininity
In the past, women’s circles were a normal part of everyday life for all women, even if they were perhaps not called that. Women sat together while cooking or preparing meals, they sat together with their children, while supporting women in childbirth or the dying.
Of course, there were also explicit gatherings in red tents, around the fire or for the performance of rituals.
In these rooms, the children of all women were cared for as if they were their own. Here, young girls were initiated, their first bleeding was celebrated and adolescent girls were introduced to the secrets of womanhood. They learned about the sanctity of their wombs and the knowledge of herbs and medicinal plants. In this community, they were able to turn to their elders with confidence – with all their questions and insecurities.
In our modern times and culture, these gatherings have almost disappeared or in some cases have been forgotten, and some have probably been deliberately prevented.
In these circles, we women can draw strength and connect with our source. Here we can remember our true power, our roots, our sisterhood. Here we can truly relax, deeply nourish ourselves and rediscover surrender. Here we can heal our personal and collective traumas, here we can look at and heal our mistrust, competition and betrayal in a held and safe space.
Here we can remember our holiness, our creative power, our unbridled passion, our values and our sense of coherence.
And last but not least, our true authority and our alliance with life
Let’s get started
We look forward to your message or inquiry
Our work aims to show people a way to become aware of their very own but often subconscious needs, feelings, wishes and goals, so that they can actively direct their lives according to this inner guidance.