
strength & vulnerability

Seminars & coaching for men

Many men had no real role models. No fathers who could show themselves vulnerable, who were trustworthy, present, courageous or loving and who stood in their healthy masculine strength. We men sometimes also lack trust in women, because when we were at our most vulnerable, we had a mother who perhaps had bad experiences with men herself and was therefore unable to give the male potential within us a chance.

Men's pulse

Many of us men were therefore not supported in following our male impulses freely and unencumbered. To do this, we would have needed a fully supportive relationship with our parents, their non-judgemental care and love. As a result, we learned early on to conform, to deny ourselves and to develop behaviors that were essential for survival at the time, but which now restrict or even block our lively, undisguised access to our masculinity. For new strength and direction, we men sometimes need the circle of men.

"The sound of drums rises and with it my heart. The beat speaks to me: 'I know you are tired. But come, this is the way!"


Leben Lieben Lernen - Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

Presence & dedication

Going out among men gives you the opportunity to deal more intensively with your manhood, to become more aware of your distorted images of masculinity, to expose them and to get to know a new view of the world.

Among men, many men become more aware of their “male wounds”, which we usually hide behind masks in everyday life and which often do not come to light in mixed groups.

So sometimes we men need male support to recognize our injuries and heal them as much as possible. In this way, you can get closer to the life you want again. More masculine, more present, more powerful, clearer, more relational, more connected and more sensitive.

I, Carsten, together with Stefan Rieß, offer men’s seminars and intensive experiences for men that can support you on your men’s journey.

Presence & dedication

Going out among men gives you the opportunity to deal more intensively with your manhood, to become more aware of your distorted images of masculinity, to expose them and to get to know a new view of the world.

Among men, many men become more aware of their “male wounds”, which we usually hide behind masks in everyday life and which often do not come to light in mixed groups.

So sometimes we men need male support to recognize our wounds and heal them as much as possible. In this way, you can get closer to the life you want again. More masculine, more present, more powerful, clearer, more relational, more connected and more sensitive.

I, Carsten, together with Stefan Rieß, offer men’s seminars and intensive experiences for men that can support you on your men’s journey.

Feel everything – live your power!

Our offers for men

Discover who you really are in the depths of your essence and celebrate the beauty of your masculinity! Start to stand up and walk for your life, for your love, for your community and for the man in you.

Men’s pulse

Short movie

We experience time and again that men are powerful, wild and rough, but also tender, gentle and vulnerable, that they need both challenge and mindfulness. It takes a circle of men, because men need men to develop.

In this video you can hear some of the voices of men who have taken part in one of the Men’s Pulse weekends.


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