Individual coaching
in the mirror of horses
Equine-assisted therapy & coaching
Horses are wonderful helpers for us humans to get back in touch with ourselves and this perfect nature. Their power, grace, wild beauty, but also their extraordinarily sensitive and unbiased nature make horses valuable companions in our individual sessions.
Through meditation, mindful exercises with and without horses, we can re-experience what has heart and meaning, heal what is broken and experience true relationship. This gives us stability and orientation and enables us to walk our path clearly, with courage and integrity.
Who leads your life?
Are you leading your life or is your life leading you? Individual work with horses is aimed at people who are facing challenges at work, in their relationships or facing an important decision, who are looking for solutions to a crisis or therapeutic support and guidance.
We also regularly work with clients on their long-term orientation and a sustainable vision. Against the backdrop of these complex times, it is important to face up to our personal and global challenges and rethink our options.
From time to time, we should ask ourselves what it really means to live a fulfilled life.
The Equine assisted work does not include riding. No previous experience with horses is necessary!
A session with Manuela or Carsten takes about 1.5 hours and we charge 150 € + VAT.
"Horses have an infallible sense of authenticity and truthfulness."
learning to love life
Feedback individual coaching
I had a one-to-one coaching session with Carsten and would do it again at any time. He created a space in which I could just be, and at the same time provided impetus in the "right" places. I won't forget the moments with Lilly in the round pen in a hurry. An absolutely profound, healing and enriching experience!

With you, Manuela, my eldest daughter was able to feel her old wounds, her wounded soul, and thus take a big step towards healing. Thank you, dear Manuela and dear Carsten, you are both stars of hope, a gift from the universe, especially at this time.
Take good care of yourselves and stay with you, me and all people for a long time to come.

It was an experience to see and feel how these large but sensitive beings are much more aware and sensitive to what is going on inside us, between us and around us. I have already read several books and attended seminars. But the horses bring a completely different quality to the confrontation with oneself. It's worth it!

Let’s get started
We look forward to your message
If you have any questions about coaching or our therapeutic support, please get in touch.