About us

Manuela Carsten dark backround

Manuela.  I have always been searching.  After many years of traveling and discovering I started exploring my inner realm. There, I finally began to find what I had been looking for- that which is true. Love, true connection to myself and others, community. There weren’t only easy years, but times in which I got to know the highest heights as well as deepest valleys and the path is still going on. Since 2005 I walk it alongside my husband and we learn with each other and from each other to love and cherish life – to experience it in all its abundance.

I have a „non-medical practitioner“ certificate and I am trained as Coach with systemic-constructivist approach and a therapist according to Carl Rogers . My husband and I both are certified therapist for work with individuals and couples (www.learningloveinstitute.com). With Ariana Strozzi (www.skyhorseranch.com) I learned „Equine Guided Education“ and am a certified teacher. Currently I am in my second year of the Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine) training, a body-oriented trauma therapy.

I am continously deepening my studies and walk my own path with passion and intention, in my work with horses (Horse Dream, EGALA, EEL by Linda Kohanov, HAT),  and in coatings and group processes and work as freelancer as Executive Coach for the Program “Strategies for Leadership – Authentic Leadership”  at the IMD, Lausanne, one of the leading Businesss Schools.

I look forward to meet you and walk a bit of your path with you!

Cheyenne Manuela und Carsten

Carsten. We have to rediscover, to honor and to live the whole essence that lies beneath all our layers of protection, wounds and patterns, untouched from it all. We need to live in the here and now, in this precious moment. I am deeply convinced that every human being holds the potential within him and herself to live their life consciously and responsibly in love and peace.

My own search for more balance and true happiness has brought me to various teachers, where I was fortunate to learn about the therapeutic work with individuals and couples. My love for nature and animals has led me to meet Ariana Strozzi, who taught me how to support humans in their journey to self development with the help of horses.

I have been working for multinational companies like eBay or Google for over 15 years and in different management positions – there I have gained experience in leadership and human interaction. I am a trained therapist and couples therapist, integral coach and hold a non-medical practitioner degree. Meditation is an essential part of my life. Currently, I am training in body based trauma therapy „NARM“ (Dr. Laurence Heller).